Medical Tube Filling: How to Maximize Quality and Speed-to-Market

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    The global tube filling market is set to grow over the next four years, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.5% from 2024 to 2028, according to a recent report by Research & Markets. One of the primary drivers of this growth is the medical market which is increasingly serving an aging global population as well as a growing number of people with chronic diseases. For medical device companies looking to capitalize on this growth, it is vital to partner with Contract Manufacturing Organisations (CMOs) that are 100% dedicated to medical manufacturing for tube filling requirements. Here’s why:

    Risks of Using Generalist CMOs for Tube Filling

    1. Contamination: Whilst generalist CMOs may advertise “tube filling” services, they are often tailored for industries like cosmetics, where quality control standards are less stringent than in medical device manufacturing. This industry agnostic approach increases the risk of contamination, where residues or contaminants from non-medical products can compromise the integrity of medical devices. On the flip side, specialist medical CMOs must adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that are specific to the medical industry, to ensure medical products meet high standards and are free of contaminants. PolarSeal are market leaders in medical tube filling, and we routinely flush tube filling machinery before new projects to eliminate any risk of contamination, a practice which may not be common outside of medical tube filling.

    2. Regulatory Compliance and Quality Control: Generalist CMOs are often not registered with the FDA and may even lack ISO 13485 certification. Non-compliance in these areas can affect quality at every stage of a tube-filling project, from formulation to labelling, and can ultimately lead to legal challenges, product recalls, fines and reputation damage if things go wrong. Beyond regulatory compliance, the absence of a robust, medical-specific quality control framework results in inconsistent product quality, increased rejection rates, and, most critically, potential safety risks for end-users.
    1. Traceability: CMOs that are more accustomed to cosmetics tube filling might not employ the same rigorous traceability processes required in medical tube filling. Shortfalls in this area can lead to compliance issues, audit challenges and difficulties in resolving quality concerns. By contrast, specialist medical CMOs like PolarSeal use purpose-built systems designed to meet stringent traceability requirements, including track-and-trace technology, electronic batch records, and industry-specific documentation practices. This ensures every component, process, and personnel interaction is traceable from materials to final products.

    Benefits of Partnering with a 100% Medically Focused CMO

    1. Specialized Expertise: CMOs like PolarSeal, solely dedicated to medical manufacturing, possess specialized expertise in wet medical device formulation and tube filling. This expertise ensures that every aspect of the manufacturing process, from formulation to packaging and labelling, is carried out with precision and adherence to the standards required in the medical industry.

    2. Dedicated Facilities and Processes: A 100% medically focused CMO like PolarSeal maintains specialist facilities, including ISO 7 cleanrooms, designed specifically for sterile manufacturing environments. These facilities minimize contamination risks and ensure a consistent, high-quality output.

    3. Regulatory Certifications: PolarSeal is ISO 13485 certified and registered by the FDA. Our commitment to regulatory compliance means medical device companies have peace of mind that their products are consistently produced to the highest standard.

    4. Speed to Market: Specialist medical CMOs can get medical products to market quicker due to their expert knowledge, optimized machinery, and efficient processes. PolarSeal’s in-depth understanding of medical manufacturing allows for streamlined operations, reducing development time and accelerating the path from production to market. This ensures that medical device companies can meet market demands and regulatory timelines more effectively.

    PolarSeal’s Merits in Wet Medical Device and Tube Filling

    PolarSeal are considered market leaders in medical tube filling. We excel in providing comprehensive solutions for wet medical device manufacturing, ensuring each step from formulation development to final sterilization is executed with precision and expertise.

    1. Comprehensive Service Offering: PolarSeal provides end-to-end solutions for wet medical device manufacturing, covering every stage from formulation development to filling (tubes, bottles, jars, etc.), final packaging, labeling, and sterilization. This holistic approach ensures that your product is managed efficiently from concept to final product, streamlining the process and maintaining the highest standards of quality and compliance.

    2. Customization and Flexibility: At PolarSeal, we tailor solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether it’s the customized formulation of liquids, ointments, gels, pastes and creams or bespoke branding, packaging, and labelling, we ensure your product is brought to market precisely as you envision it.

    PolarSeal’s Tube Filling Capabilities in Action


    Choosing a 100% medical CMO like PolarSeal for your wet medical device and tube filling requirements is not just about meeting regulatory requirements—it’s about prioritising patient safety, enhancing product quality and ultimately, strengthening brand reputation. Our advanced expertise, purpose-built facilities, and fluency in stringent medical standards make us the perfect partner for medical device companies with wet medical device and tube filling needs.